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IOS: Crash Course - The Ultimate Beginner's Course to Learning IOS Programming in Under 12 Hours Kindle Edition

Are You Ready to Learn IOS Programming FASTER Than You Ever Thought Possible?

Welcome to the Ultimate Crash Course on IOS

With Tons of Detailed Step by Step Procedures!

Are you ready to unlock the keys to the future? If your answer is a resounding 'YES!', then this crash course on IOS is exactly what you need in your toolkit. In these days of the 3.0 era, there are essential tools that we must absolutely have at hand to solve everyday problems. And guess what? One of these skills consists of... how to use programming languages. Can you imagine what we could do if we'd knew how to write a simple instruction for our PC? What we could achieve if we could create from scratch something that'd solve problems in just seconds? That would be absolutely amazing: no limits, no boundaries, no frontiers. A whole new world of possibilities in front of us!

Perhaps you are an amateur just getting started with IOS, or maybe you already know a few things about this exciting programming language and you'd like to reach for the next level. This course will approach IOS from both starting points! The aim is to achieve all the necessary skills to learn IOS programming language in under 12 hours. Yes, I said it! 12 hours. In less than half a day you will incorporate the ABCs of IOS, and from there you'll develop the advanced techniques you need to create your own projects.

Want to hear the best part? This is not a mere theoretical book. Not at all. In here, you'll find tons of useful exercises and tasks that will take your IOS skills (and overall, your whole programming skills) to a whole new level. You'll experience in first person how simple and entertaining IOS can be! This book will assist you not only to develop and improve your skills, but most importantly, it will help you unlock the joy learning a new programming language can unexpectedly bring. You can be sure of that!

The idea we're proposing is quite simple. You will learn IOS from zero to hero, in less than half a day. We will go from the root to the top of this ground-breaking programming language, and from there we'll build the solid foundations you are looking for. And at the end you will find a special bonus! Sounds good? So let's go for it!

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn Inside...

    IOS: Crash Course - The Ultimate Beginner's Course to Learning IOS Programming in Under 12 Hours by [Eprogramy]
  • Welcome to Your New Programming Language
  • What is iOS?
  • History of Xcode
  • Installation of Xcode
  • Xcode IDE Workspaces
  • Xcode Features and Services: Text-Editing, Interactive graphical UI editing features, Imitating the User Environment, Ensuring Good Performance, Software Development Kits and more
  • Swift Language Structure
  • IOS Operating System and Frameworks
  • Creating Applications in Xcode
  • Storyboards - UI design -
  • iPhone Simulators
  • Publishing the Applications
  • Bonus Algorithms
  • Recommended Resources
  • Example Programs
  • Much, much more!

The contents of this book are easily worth over $9.99, but for a limited time you can download "IOS: Crash Course - The Ultimate Beginner’s Course to Learning IOS Programming in Under 12 Hours –" for a special discounted price.

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